

British Columbia is home to a diverse range of mountain biking, road biking, and bicycle touring routes. This page provides an overview of cycling activities, destinations, and regulations in parks across B.C.

Look on this page to learn about:

Cycling and camping

Provincial parks across B.C. offer cycling trails for riders of every skill level. Many of the most popular trails are located near campgrounds. These often have shower facilities, and some even have pump tracks that help kids hone their skills.

For an overview of camping in BC Parks, see the camping page. For details of facilities for cyclists at a specific campground, find the park’s webpage.

Mountain biking

BC Parks offer an abundance of mountain biking trails for riders of every skill level. Beginners can meander through grasslands or glide through lush rainforests. There are also plenty of rocky slopes and steep drops for more advanced riders.

Designated mountain biking trails are usually outlined on signs and maps at major trailheads. Some of the most popular mountain biking areas in the province are listed below (click a park’s name to visit its webpage):

For a full list of mountain bike-friendly parks in B.C., go to find a park and filter by ‘mountain biking’.

To ensure you have the best possible mountain biking adventure:

  • Stick to designated mountain biking trails, which are the only areas in BC Parks where mountain biking is allowed
  • Remember that many bike routes are multi-use trails you will be sharing with hikers and possibly horses and their riders
  • Check the park’s webpage ahead of time to plan your route and adjust for any trail closures.

For more information on keeping bike trails safe for you and other visitors, see riding responsibly, below.


Electric bikes are welcome in many BC Parks. To help minimize any impact on the environment and the cultural values of parks, e-bike usage is regulated. Regulations follow the classification system outlined below.

E-bike rules by class

  • Class 1 e-bikes are allowed where cycling is already permitted, unless signs indicate that a trail is closed to e-bikes
  • Class 2 and 3 e-bikes are usually allowed where motorized vehicles are permitted, such as roadways and off-road vehicle areas
  • Adaptive mountain bikes for people with disabilities are usually allowed in areas designated for Class 1 e-bike use

E-bike classifications 

Class Maximum speedAcceleration method 
232km/hPedal-assist or throttle
345km/hPedal-assist or throttle

Parks may have additional e-bike regulations, due to specific environmental or cultural concerns. Always check the park’s webpage before heading out.

Riding responsibly

Everybody using bike trails in BC Parks is expected to follow a few basic rules of cycling etiquette. These will help keep you and other visitors safe, while minimizing your impact on the natural environment.

Stick to designated cycling trails and respect temporary trail closures

Always check the park’s webpage for information and updates before you head out. Watch for relevant signage at the trailhead when you arrive and throughout the trails as you ride.

Stay alert and watch for wildlife, especially bears

Ride cautiously in areas of known animal activity, near streams and dense vegetation, on windy days, and when approaching corners. Ride slowly, stay alert, and make noise to avoid unexpected encounters.

Pass with care and be courteous

Let hikers, horse riders, and other cyclists know you are coming. If you are going downhill, yield to anyone heading up. Yield to hikers on shared trails. Pass horses with care and follow their riders’ directions.

Do not build unauthorized trails

Never try to create new cycling trails without supervision. Building cycling trails can have serious environmental impacts and safety consequences. Creating new trails is illegal, unless done in partnership with BC Parks.

We partner with volunteer organizations across the province, which provide invaluable trail-building work. To learn more about trail-building partnerships in your area, please contact

Practice responsible recreation

Show respect for the natural and cultural values of the park you are visiting. Do not litter or leave any food waste behind. Make sure all natural objects and cultural artefacts remain undisturbed for others to discover and enjoy.

For more information on staying safe and helping everyone enjoy BC Parks for years to come, see the visit responsibly section of this site.