BC Parks public notification for park-use permits
BC Parks is modernizing the way that it informs the public about permits that are issued to authorize activities in parks, protected areas, recreation areas, conservancies, and ecological reserves. BC Parks intends to provide greater transparency on decisions that are made to issue permits by providing information online in an accessible format.
Amendments to the Park Act were passed under Bill 25, the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2012, which allowed for more flexibility in how the public is informed about proposed permits, and giving the minister the ability to require that the public be provided with an opportunity to review details and provide comment on a proposed permit. These amendments will be brought into force on January 30, 2018, at which time the approved Public Notification and Engagement Permit Policy, which is posted below, will come into effect.
Public notification and engagement permit policy [PDF]
This policy sets BC Parks’ intent in providing information to the public on an ongoing basis using online media, and identifies when and how public comment will be solicited on permit applications.
A draft policy was posted for public comment from March 23 until June 22, 2016. All comments received were reviewed, and the input used to inform changes to the draft Public Notification and Engagement Permit Policy, and recommendations for the online notification system. A synopsis of the comments received, as well as a copy of the draft policy, are posted below.
BC Parks would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide comments on the draft policy.