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The Omineca Park is located approximately 182 km northwest of the town of Mackenzie and approximately 219 km due north of the town of Fort St James. The park can be accessed from either town but both routes are over industrial gravel roads and you may encounter large industrial trucks which usually do not operate on public highways. Road conditions vary depending on the season. The roads are often very rough in places, so the use of cars is not recommended. The communities of Germansen Landing and Manson Creek are central to this area.

From Mackenzie, follow the Finlay Forest Service Road to the 98 km marker and then turn west onto the Finlay Manson Forest Service Road. At 31 km, continue heading north on the Thutade Forest Service Road. At approximately 68 km, the road Ys with the left arm going into Germansen Lake and the right arm heads up to Germansen Landing.

From Fort St James, follow the North Road which at 22 km becomes the Germansen Forest Service Road. This road eventually becomes the North Germansen Road. Approximately 100 km from Fort St James, the road connects to the Thutade Forest Service Road. Continue heading north on the Thutade Forest Service Road all the way up to Germansen Landing. At approximately 68 km, the road Ys with the left arm going into Germansen Lake and the right arm heads up to Germansen Landing.