Kootenay Okanagan management planning projects

Kootenay Okanagan management planning projects

This page lists management planning projects that are happening in the Kootenay Okanagan region, and opportunities to get involved. To learn more about what management planning is and how it works, visit the management planning process page.

Cathedral Park and Cathedral Protected Area

We are developing a management plan for Cathedral Park and Cathedral Protected Area.

Cathedral Park and Cathedral Protected Area background information [PDF]


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

The initial public comment period is closed.

Stage 2: Draft management plan (in progress)

Stage 3: Public review and comment

Stage 4: Finalize management plan


Katrina Beitel
Planning Section Head, BC Parks

Kokanee Creek Park

We are developing a management plan for Kokanee Creek Park.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

Stage 2: Draft management plan (in progress)

Stage 3: Public review and comment

Stage 4: Finalize management plan


Dani Money
Planning Section Head, BC Parks
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
205 Industrial Road G, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G5

Nancy Greene Park

We are proposing an amendment to the Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan for Nancy Greene Park. The existing plan was approved in 2003.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

Stage 2: Draft management plan amendment (complete)

Stage 3: Public review and comment (complete)

The public comment period is closed. We thank all those who participated and shared important input.

Stage 4: Finalize management plan (in progress)


Dani Money
Planning Section Head, BC Parks
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
205 Industrial Road G, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G5

Silver Star Park

We are developing a management plan for Silver Star Park.

The 5,573-hectare park was originally established in 1940. Since establishment, the park has been subjected to several boundary modifications and two re-designations. It was classified as a recreation area in 1976, and then re-established as Class A park in 1989. Portions of the park are immediately adjacent to a Controlled Recreation Area (a Land Act tenure) which contains Silver Star Mountain Resort. The resort offers a range of recreational opportunities, primarily alpine skiing.

Silver Star Park contains a large-scale cross-country ski operation and associated day-use lodge, Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre. The lodge is independently operated with administrative oversight provided through a park use permit. Winter activities in the park also include snowmobile use on sanctioned trails, and snowshoeing. Summer and non-winter activities are mostly focused around nature appreciation, hiking, hunting, and mountain biking.

Master plans were created for the former Silver Star Recreation Area in November 1980, and again for the park in 1990. Due to significant land use changes, growing popularity, and enhanced recreational opportunities in the park, the master plans are now considered invalid.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

The public comment period on the initial planning stage concluded on January 15th, 2020. BC Parks received 89 public comments forms. We thank all to those who participated and shared important input to the planning process for the park.

Stage 2: Draft management plan (complete November 2020)

Stage 3: Public review and comment (complete January 31, 2021) 

BC Parks sincerely thanks all those who submitted online comments and letters with respect to the draft management plan. Our agency received 64 online comment submissions/letters from the general public. BC Parks has now consolidated the public comments and the summary document. BC Parks will also be continuing consultation with key stakeholder groups and First Nations as part of the development of the final draft management plan.

Thank you again for taking the time to participate in helping shape the future of management direction for Silver Star Park. 

Stage 4: Finalize management plan (in progress) 


Katrina Beitel
Planning Section Head, BC Parks

Windemere Lake Park

We are developing a management plan for Windermere Lake Park. This will replace the 2003 Approved Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan.


Stage 1: Develop project plan (complete)

Stage 2: Draft management plan (complete)

We thank all those who participated and shared important input.

Stage 3: Public review and comment (complete)

We sincerely thank all those who submitted online comments and letters about the draft management plan.

Stage 4: Finalize management plan (in progress)


Dani Money
Planning Section Head, BC Parks
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
205 Industrial Road G, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G5